Types of Liens

The Division of Liens and Recovery Casualty Program places liens and asserts claims against the personal injury lawsuit settlements of past or present recipients of Medicaid and Cash Assistance pursuant to NYS SSL 104 and 104-b. At the time of a lawsuit settlement, law firms and insurance companies must contact the Division to obtain a final lien amount. Total settlement amount from all defendants is needed to discuss lien re-payment.

If you have any questions or require more information please call 844-449-3444. If you require further assistance please call the DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399.


Frequently Asked Questions

Estate Recovery

The NYC Department of Social Services (DSS), asserts liens and claims against the estate of deceased recipients' assets and/or personal injury action settlements for the recovery of benefits expended for Public Assistance and Medicaid pursuant to NYS SSL 104 and 366, 369 et al. At the time of a lawsuit settlement or estate proceeding, law firms and insurance companies must contact the Division of Liens and Recovery – Estates Unit to obtain a final lien or claim amount. Total settlement amount from all defendants or estate fiduciaries is needed to discuss lien re-payment or settlement of the liens or claims owed to DSS. You can contact us at:

DSS OneNumber at 718-557-1399
Fax Number 212-331-5496 and 212-331-5856

Payments made from an estate recovery case or other settlement of DSS liens/claims facilitated by the Division of Liens and Recovery – Estates Unit must be sent to the following address. PLEASE DO NOT SEND PAYMENTS TO THE OFFICE OF LEGAL AFFAIRS.

Please make check payable to the "NYC Human Resources Administration", please include the CIN # or case number on the check and in the accompanying cover letter and mail to:

New York City Department of Social Services/HRA
Office of Legal Affairs – SLRLU
P.O. Box 414312
Boston, MA 02241-4312

NOTE: You should also send a copy of the check and cover letter to the Division of Liens and Recovery – Estates Unit staff member that worked on your case.

Real Property Liens

The Real Property Program places liens on real estate, including homesteads within New York City owned by Cash Assistance and Nursing Home Medicaid applicants. The liens are repaid at the time the property is sold or refinanced. Title companies, law firms and homeowners can contact the program to request a payoff amount or instructions on submitting a subordination agreement as follows:

By the DSS OneNumber: 718-557-1399
Division of Liens and Recovery Telephone Bank. Callers should indicate they are calling regarding a Real Property issue.

By Fax: 917-639-0814

By Mail:
Division of Liens and Recovery
Real Property Program
375 Pearl Street, 21st Floor
New York, N.Y. 10038

Other Information

Legal Papers

All legal papers involving a casualty lien, estate matter, or real property matter MUST be served at the following address:

NYC Department of Social Services
Office of Legal Affairs – SLRLU
150 Greenwich Street, 38th Floor
New York, NY 10007