Residential building permits and inspections

Building permit applications are required to be submitted electronically through the Guelph Permit and Application System.

A guide to building permits for home owners and renovators

If you are planning home improvements, this guide will provide you with the information required to apply for a building permit.

If you are planning to construct a new house within an existing built-up area of the city – otherwise known as infill housing – please refer to our infill house building permit application checklist for a list of submission requirements.

Protecting Guelph’s water

The City of Guelph’s drinking water source is groundwater. As such, and under the Clean Water Act, a considerable area within the City is considered to be vulnerable from a water quality and quantity perspective.

If you’re renovating, or building a new home, consider incorporating water-saving features to protect our water supply. The City offers several rebate programs to help you save money and protect our environment.

Building permits are necessary to ensure the Ontario Building Code (OBC), zoning requirements and other building standards are met. Building permit applications are reviewed by the Permit Services team to confirm compliance with the OBC and to ensure these minimum requirements are met.

An added benefit of obtaining a permit is receiving assistance from Building Services staff. Another benefit is to ensure you, or the person you have hired, builds a product that meets the minimum standards as set out in the Ontario Building Code and other applicable legislation.

Whether you do the work yourself or hire a contractor, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure a building permit is obtained, the required inspections are called for and any infractions are corrected.

Starting construction without a permit is illegal and is a Provincial Offence. Ensure a permit has been issued prior to starting any work.

Brochures and/or sample drawings are available for some construction projects. These brochures contain specific zoning and building information and identify specific drawing requirements. Please visit for further information or contact our office.

Home improvements will affect your property taxes

Home improvements (e.g. adding a deck or addition, finishing your basement or installing or removing a swimming pool) can change the assessed value of your property. The City uses your property value to calculate your annual property taxes. Please set aside funds to cover the expected increases. Learn more at

Planning your project

If you feel that your project is too complicated to handle yourself, we recommend that you retain the services of a qualified designer to prepare your drawings and specifications.

Some elements or structures may need to be designed by an Architect or Professional Engineer.

All work indicated on your drawings must conform to the Ontario Building Code, City of Guelph Zoning By-law and all other applicable law. If your proposal does not comply with the Zoning By-law, you may apply for and obtain approval from the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance.

Building permit requirements

A building permit is generally required for most renovation and construction projects. Below is a list of some of the more common projects which require a building permit.




Plumbing may be done by a homeowner on their single, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling unit in which they reside. Persons other than the homeowner (plumbers, contractors, home renovation companies) doing plumbing shall possess a Certificate of Qualification.




  1. Handouts or sample drawings may be available for items (Back to top)
  2. Although a building permit is not required, separate permits, approvals or requirements apply to curb cuts, driveway widening and fences.

Applying for a building permit

Building permit applications are required to be submitted online. Guelph Permit and Application System is quick, convenient and secure.

Please create an account through Guelph Permit and Application System. Please note: ensure to have your drawings ready prior to applying. The drawings must be attached in a vector-based PDF format (i.e. created electronically, not scanned). All files must be unsecured and not password protected.

The following items are required in order to apply for a building permit:

It may be determined that approvals from other City departments or external agencies are required prior to permit issuance. Some examples include City Council, Committee of Adjustment, Planning Services (site plan approval), Engineering Services, Heritage Guelph, Electrical Safety Authority, Ministry of Transportation and Grand River Conservation Authority. Should additional approvals be required, please contact the appropriate approval authority concerning timing, application forms, fees and procedures.

The approval process

Your application will be reviewed in order of submission. The approximate time to process your building permit application is 10 business days.

During this review process a Plans Examiner may identify deficiencies on the drawings or determine that additional information is required in which case the applicant will be notified.

When the review is complete and any deficiencies have been addressed, the building permit will be issued and mailed to the applicant and owner. If you applied online, the applicant will be notified by email once the permit is issued.

Construction may only start once the building permit has been issued. Please review the conditions which have been noted on your building permit and drawings. The permit and attachments should be available on the site.

Construction must be carried out in compliance with the approved plans and documents issued with your permit. Any deviation from the approved drawings must be reported to Building Services. A revised permit application and fees may be required. Once your permit is issued construction must start within one year and shall not remain inactive for any period of more than six months.


Mandatory inspections are required to ensure all work is completed according to the approved plans, including changes noted by the Plans Examiner. Your permit will include a list of mandatory inspections specific to your project.

Inspections do not happen automatically. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure that you or your contractor contacts Building Services to book an inspection. Failure to have inspections performed may result in having to uncover and expose work for inspection.

Please book an inspection through the Guelph Permit and Application System. Please allow 48 hours’ notice for inspections.

An inspector will perform an inspection and a report will be emailed to the applicant. If infractions are noted, these items must be corrected and a re-inspection booked to ensure that the infractions have been remedied. Once all mandatory inspections have been passed, the permit will be considered complete. All inspection reports are available online.

For questions regarding inspections, please call 519-837-5614.


Before, during and after construction on private or public property, we must take measures to prevent damage and encourage long-term health of plants and trees on or near the site. Information regarding trees, including tree ownership and protection during construction, can be found at

Contact information

Department Phone E-mail
Building Services 519-837-5615 [email protected]
Inspections 519-837-5614 Not applicable
Permits 519-837-5615 Not applicable
Zoning 519-837-5615 [email protected]

Office hours

Additional contact information

Department or service Phone E-mail
Committee of Adjustment 519-822-1260 extension 2524 [email protected]
City Clerk’s Office 519-837-5603 [email protected]
Engineering Services 519-837-5604 [email protected]
Finance 519-837-5610 [email protected]
Planning Services 519-837-5616 [email protected]
Call Before you Dig 1-800-400-2255 Not applicable
Electrical Safety Authority 1-877-372-7233 Not applicable
Grand River Conservation Authority 1-519-621-2761 [email protected]
Ministry of Transportation 1-416-235-5385 Not applicable
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation 1-866-296-6722 Not applicable

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